Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Meaningful Place to You

A dream made into reality. That is how I perfectly describe Disneyland in Florida. As far as I know, this is the only Disneyland which is called the Walt Disney World. Maybe because it is the biggest Disneyland among the rest of those situated in other places like Japan, Hong Kong and Los Angeles.This place is indeed a meaningful place for me because it is the fruit of my labor. I earned hard to be in this place. My visit to this place also proves my confidence being there without any of my family members. This is a dream come true for me because I made a meaningful experience out of my meaningful sacrifices just to get there.Set in Orlando, Florida the Walt Disney World is different from other Disneyland theme parks that I've been in. All of my trips to Disneyland in Japan, Los Angeles and Hong Kong were all planned by my parents.I've been there without any friend or girlfriend because it calls out for family affairs only. I can say that I also enjoyed being in those places because I am with my dear family but my experience at Walt Disney World Florida is a gargantuan event because I went there without asking any help from my family.What is really exciting about my trip there is that I was with friends of my age. It is also a romantic experience because I was with my beloved girlfriend which is also a dream come true for me to be with her on that very special place.It was very easy for me to ask permission from my mom and dad to visit Disneyland, Florida. I just give them an assurance that I will take care of myself and not to get into any troubles while staying there with mu friends and girlfriends. It was indeed a happy journey heading towards the place.Visiting Disneyland made our friendship even tighter and my relationship with my girlfriend even lovelier. We arrive there early because it was really a huge place to visit. There are four renowned theme parks and two water parks to visit. Aside from that there are golf courses, hotels and other establishment s that made way for our enjoyments.The first theme park that we went to is the Magic Kingdom. Here, we were able to see Disney characters and the Cinderella Castle which became my girlfriend's favorite. I am really happy to see her smiling all the time that we were in the Magic Kingdom. There are also rides which we all enjoyed riding from one ride to another.Then we proceed to the Epcot. It is the second theme park in Disneyland, Florida which s divided into 2 beautiful sections the World Showcase and the Futuristic World. We enjoyed viewing the futuristic world because it shows how the future will look like. It displays advancement that will happen in the future.How life will look like years from now that will improve people's way of living. World Showcase on the other hand shows other nations and their culture, entertainment, food, attractions and many more. It is like traveling out of the country and going to countries like China, Mexico, Italy, Germany and many more.Before goin g to the next theme park, we decided to eat first. I am proud to say that being in that place made me feel more proud of myself. This is because I went there with my own savings and without any cent from my parents.It was a meaningful place because I am the one who organized our trip to that place and it was really a success. I even missed out one dear friends birthday because of going there but I'm sure he does understand why I wasn't able to join that special occasion.The next destination that we went to is the Hollywood Studios. It is a theme park that made us feel were in the movies too. We get to see amazing special effects from block buster movies and enjoyed rides which are really thrilling.We also went to the Disney's Animal Kingdom the fourth theme park in Disneyland, Florida. It is composed of real like animal figures and interactive rides. My girlfriend even got scared on dinosaur figures because of the safari ride which made dinosaurs come to life.There are also other at tractions in the Walt Disney World. There are water parks and golf courses within the vicinity of Disneyland Florida. There are also people who does surfing and skiing there.Night time comes and we got to see beautiful fireworks displays there. The fact that I was with my girlfriend that time made the moment really romantic. It was my very first time to see fireworks in the United States and I felt really happy. My hard work pays off because it is such a priceless moment being in that magical place.It was a dream come true to visit the place because it shows how confident I became going there without any family member with me. It also symbolizes our friendship and of course my great love for my girlfriend because I was able to spend moments with her in Disneyland. Until this time, whenever I get sad I just recall those times that I am at Disneyland, Florida and the memory makes me smile and smile all day. It represents a part of me because I was able to go there from my hard work an d my confidence.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Relationship Between Civil Rights Movement & Feminist Agenda

In this Essay I will examine relationship between Civil Rights Movement and how the feminist agenda of second wave feminism. Furthermore, I will explain how women shaped the Civil Rights Movement, and also how they redefined their own feminism because of the ways in which they interacted with the movement. In 1952, the separate but equal laws were once again challenged in the case of Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. The case was based on the segregation of educational facilities. The NAACP changed their focus from integrating higher educational facilities to integrated grade schools. After the change, the NAACP stepped in on this case and argued that segregated educational facilities were unequal, degrading to black students, and violated the fourteenth amendment's guarantee for equal protection. On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools were inherently unequal and did violate the fourteenth amendment. The decision of Plessy vs. Ferguson had finally been overturned and public schools were to be integrated. Brown vs. the Board of Education was a victory for the blacks, however southern whites reacted to the court's decision with extreme racism. There were two major reasons for the civil rights movement one was Impact of WWII and Brown vs. Board of Education. Females played great role in Civil rights movement. One sit-in involved Anne Moody the author of Coming of Age in Mississippi. During this sit-in, whites at the lunch counter attacked Anne Moody and other activist, but they didn't give up until they were escorted out by the police. This is what happened on the evening of December l, 1955: Parks took the bus because she was feeling particularly tired after a long day at work. She was sitting in the middle section, glad to be off her feet at last, when a white man boarded the bus and demanded that her row be cleared because the white section was full. The others in the row obediently moved to the back of the bus, but Parks just didn't feel like standing for the rest of the journey, and she quietly refused to move. At this, the white bus driver threatened to call the police unless Parks gave her up her seat, but she refused to give up her seat and bus driver called the police and they arrested her. So this respectable, middle-aged woman was taken to the police station, where she was fingerprinted and jailed. She was allowed to make one phone call. She called a NAACP lawyer, who arranged for her to be released on bail. Word of Parks's arrest spread quickly, and the Women's Political Council decided to protest her treatment by organizing a boycott of the buses. Women designed bus boycott. Jo Ann Robinson who was College Professor who talked to her friend who was attorney to help Mrs. Parks and also he helped to spread the news of bus boycott. The boycott was set for December 5, the day of Parks's trial, but Martin Luther King, Jr. nd other prominent members of Montgomery's black community realized that here was a chance to take a firm stand on segregation. As a result, the Montgomery Improvement Association was formed to organize a boycott that would continue until the bus segregation laws were changed. Leaflets were distributed telling people not to ride the buses, and other forms of transport were laid on. The boycott lasted 382 days, causing the Bus Company to lose a vast amount of money. Everyone played and tried their best to keep up with the boycott. They walked to work etc. One day this old lady who looked very tired and this white men saw her and offered her to ride in his car, she responded â€Å"my feets is tired, but my soul is rested† Meanwhile, Parks was fined for failing to obey a city ordinance, but on the advice of her lawyers she refused to pay the fine so that they could challenge the segregation law in court. The following year, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled the Montgomery segregation law illegal, and the boycott was at last called off. Yet Parks had started far more than a bus boycott. Other cities followed Montgomery's example and were protesting their segregation laws. Also they did other acts such as The March on Washington, Martin Luther King's speech. Mean reason they had many organiztion which were orgainized very well such as NAACP, SNCC, and also their success was because Non violent direct confrontation. They knew the consequences breaking the rules but they desire and wants were much more stronger. Second wave of feminism they want a right too This protest begin in 1950 and died in 1984. They want to have equal pay, higher education, and want to end the discrimination. Second Wave feminism had two branches, Liberal Feminists and Radical Feminists also Working class women played great role too. Liberal Feminist's objectives were for equality within the existing social structure and also equality with men. However, Radical Feminists objectives were to breakdown of the system of power that sustains mail advantage in every sphere of life, including economics, politics, the family, religion, law, education, science, and medicine, as well as in the interactions of everyday life. Also Radical women are not defined as white, middle class agenda rather social class and ethnicity/race define the issues facing women also. The relationship between the Civil Rights Movement and the feminist agenda of Second wave feminism those women played great role in both. They both of these want to have equal rights, at work, school, and also end the discrimination. Civil Rights Movement and Second Wave of Feminism struggled greatly but they had great success. In conclusion, I would say that Civil Rights Movement and Second Wave of Feminism struggled a lot but after all it was worth it. They had many similarities and women played great roles organizing meetings and interaction with other women that brought unity and that lead them into success.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Development and Globalisation Essay

Development and Globalisation Development A process of social and economic advancement in terms of the quality of human life. Development can involve can involve economic, demographic, social political and cultural changes. Development is a term that can be used in many different contexts whether it is social, economical, political etc. However generally development refers to an improvement in certain areas: †¢ Economic o An increase in the country’s economy with a shift from secondary to tertiary industry which becomes less dependent on FDI. †¢ Demographic An increase in population and a more ageing population as standard of living increases. Birth rates and death rates drop as life expectancy increases. †¢ Social o An increase in the range of services, increased land prices and a more multicultural society. Greater access to education, health care and communication †¢ Political o More democratic and more influence on the ‘global stage’. Stabl e government, no dictatorship. †¢ Cultural development o Greater equality for women and better race relations in multicultural societies. Measuring Development GDP- Gross Domestic Product – the value of all the goods and services produced in a country in a year, in $US, usually expressed as â€Å"per capita† (per person). PPP (purchasing power parity)* figures are more useful. *Adjusted for loss of living GNP- The total value of goods and services produced by one country in a year, plus all net income earned from overseas sources, in $US. HDI- Human Development Index: It is a summary composite index that measures a country’s average achievements in three basic aspects of human development: health, knowledge, and a decent standard of living. Life Expectancy †¢ Literacy Rate †¢ Standard of Living (measured in GDP per capita) It gives a more complete picture of development of a country than GDP alone as it considers social factors and not just economic factors. Development Continuum Originally there were three groupings that made up the development continuum, they were: †¢ First World (those developed countr ies that had a democratic government and a strong economy) †¢ Second World (communist countries) †¢ Third World (UN developed countries) However as time has gone on newer economies have started to develop caused by different development patterns and speeds. The Development gap †¢ The gap between rich and poor countries †¢ Most commonly, the gap is thought of in terms of income/economics †¢ It also social, environmental and even political aspects There was a suggested North/South divide originating from the Brandt report in 1980, where the north accounted for 80% of GDP but only 20% of the population; however this too requires some artistic licence and is a very general way of dividing countries. There are more accurate ways of grouping countries as listed below and as countries move through the development continuum countries pass from one category to another: †¢ Developed (MDC’s – the most well developed countries eg. UK) †¢ Developing (Countries which are undergoing development – arguably they all are. Eg. Malaysia) †¢ LDC’s (Least Developed Countries – eg. Ethiopia) †¢ NIC’s (Newly Industrialised Countries – Have just finished development (10 years or so) Eg. China) †¢ RIC’s (Recently Industrialised Countries – Further behind than the NIC’s eg. Dubai) Centrally Planned Economies (The few remaining communist countries eg. North Korea) †¢ Oil Rich Countries (Countries rich in oil eg. Saudi Arabia) Causes for the Development Gap †¢ Colonialisation – colonial powers took resources from poorer countries †¢ Price of commodities is often controlled by TNCs ensurin g high profits for MEDC firms and low prices paid to LEDC producers – Fair trade set up in reaction to this. †¢ LEDCs are now primary producers – producing low cost commodities, e. g. bananas †¢ Primary commodities have fallen in price, or stayed steady, while commodities they need has increased, e. . oil What is preventing the Development gap from closing? †¢ Many LEDCs main industry is as primary producers – generally low profit †¢ Internatnioal trade dominated by TNCs †¢ Rapid The Asian Tigers Who or what are the Asian Tigers? Asian economies that have progressed economically at such substantial rates that have come to rival the earning capacity and quality of living of those being first-world countries – Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea. Globalisation Globalisation: The increased inter-connection in the world’s economic, cultural and political systems. Positives |Negatives | |Allowed the movement of people m ore easily |Uncontrolled migration | |Increased foreign trade |Inequality in wealth | |More access to food, services, healthcare etc. ll over the world |Heavy environmental cost | | |Loss of countries individual cultures, global cutters | †¢ Globalisation began in the 19th century as there was the beginning of movement of people and goods; †¢ Increase in independence †¢ Increase in trade as well as the spread of industry †¢ Beginning of Trans National Corporations. Globalisation continued in the 20th century and was shaped by a number of factors including: 1. Emergence of free markets (capitalist economy) 2. Deregulation of world financial markets 3. The establishment of the General Agreements of Tariffs and Trade (GATT) –the WTO which sought to lower trade barriers. 4. The emergence of trade blocs 5. The establishment of the IMF and the World Bank 6. Development of global marketing and the continuing rise of TNCs. Flows †¢ Capital o ICT allows cheap, reliable and almost instantaneous communication o Allows sharing information o Allows transfer of capital o Allows Marketing around the world †¢ Labour o Improved transport for people Size of air craft o Low cost airlines o High speed rail links o Specialised workers- doctors, ICT etc. o Unskilled workers †¢ Products and services o Integrated networks o Goods handling o Computing logistics o Container revolution o Improved transport for goods o Global marketing, the world as one market and create products that fit various regional market places e. g. coca-cola and McDon alds Patterns of production, distribution and consumption Manufacturing has gone from developed countries to lower wage economies. This is known as the GLOBAL SHIFT, which is brought about by FDI by TNCs. Many LEDC’S have benefited from the transfer of technology which has meant these countries can raise their productivity without raising their wages to the level of the developed countries. This has lead to the de-industrialisation of richer countries and the focus on tertiary and quaternary industry. There has also been outsourcing of service operations, such as call centres, Mumbai, this extends the influence on a global scale also the employment costs are a lot lower even though there is a highly educated workforce. Positive and negatives of the global shift Positives for MEDCs |Negatives for MEDCs | |Movement of polluting industries away from their country |Could lead to wide spread unemployment | |Growth in LEDC’s may lead to demand for exports from MEDCs |Loss of skills | |Cheaper imports can keep the cost of living down benefiting the retail |Negative multiplier effect | |sector |Large gap between skilled and unskilled workers who may experience | |Labour market f lexibility and efficiency |extreme redeployment differences | |Development of new technologies leading to investment |deindustrialisation of some areas, such as the North | |Help to reduce inflation | | |Positives for LEDC’s and NIC’s |Negatives for LEDC’s | |Development of new industries Rapid urbanisation and rural-urban migration | |Increased employment |Westernised approach to economy | |Helps to reduce development gap |Increased environmental damage die to polluting industries | |Increased FDI and investment which can lead to improved services such as |Exploitation of labour | |infrastructure, health care and education |Disruptive social impacts | |Increased exports helps BoPs, and increases income and GDP |Over-dependant on one industry | |New technologies |Destabilises food supplies, less agriculture | | |Health and safety issues because of tax legislation | Patterns of production and processes In manufacturing there has been a global shift of marketing f rom MDC’s to LDC’s. Guests are encouraged to participate in low impact activities – o guided nature/bird walks, o cycling, fishing o Day or night game drives are conducted in open-sided 4Ãâ€"4 vehicles †¢ Lodges work closely with the local community and support several enterprises, schools and an orphanage. †¢ Guests can visit a group of widows that craft sisal baskets, a group that makes jewellery from recycled paper and a rug weaving factory. †¢ The lodges only sell what is made by the community and pay a fair price. †¢ A large percentage of the price is donated to the community fund. †¢ Every year, children from the local community and schools are invited to participate in ecotourism workshops †¢ To protect and improve their environment.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The IOM Future of Nursing report related to the nursing workforce Essay

The IOM Future of Nursing report related to the nursing workforce - Essay Example Importance of the IOM â€Å"Future of Nursing† Report Nurses practice in various settings such as schools, retail health clinics, battlefields, public health centers, long-term care facilities, homes, and hospitals. They have differing levels of competencies and education in the entire nursing sector. The committee put into consideration nurses at all levels including their settings, education levels, and roles in an attempt to envision the profession’s future (Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, 2011). The Future of Nursing report is very important since it addresses some of issues facing nurses such as differing education and competency levels. Several barriers obstruct the nurses from responding effectively to the rapidly transforming health settings as well as the evolving health care system. The barriers have to be overcome to make sure that nurses are in a good position to advance health and lead change. Apart from seeking to remove these barriers, the report recommends the improvement of the nursing education system. This is because patients’ needs are becoming more sophisticated and thus, the nurses have to attain requisite competencies in order to deliver care that is of high quality (Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, 2011). ... Some of the main issues raised by the report are that nurses should practice to the greatest extent considering their training and eductaion; and that the education system that is in place to train nurses should be improved so as to encourage higher training and education of nurses for better servieces(Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, 2011). In this respect, the report recommends that varous boards, government bodies, accrediting societies and healthcare organizations should support nurses during their residency once they have successfully completed the prerequisite courses or when they are taking new areas related to clinical pratice. In addition, the report recommends that the proportion of nurses holding a baccalaureate degree should be inreased from 50% to 80% and the number of nurses with a doctorate dregree doubled by 2020 (Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, 2011). In order to achieve this goal, academic nurse leaders should join forces and partner with other organizations to establish a workforce that is responsive to the diverse healthcare needs of the population. Furthermore, the report notes that nurses should participate fully in redisigning the country’s health care. Yet again, the report notes that better information collection and infrustructure is valuable if effective policies have to be made and the workforce properly planned. The Intent of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action represents an exceptional initiative to tackle the elevated demands for care by using all the talents, experience, skills, and knowledge of nurses. The main aim of the Campaign for Action is to manage the implementation of the IOM landmark report recommendations. The campaign

The Political Role of Veterans Healthcare Term Paper

The Political Role of Veterans Healthcare - Term Paper Example From this research it is clear that the Health Care Industry of the United States of America is generally composed of different legal entities. The facilities that make up the said industry are largely owned and operate by the members of the private sector whereas health care insurance have always been provided by the government. The efficiency of the American health care system, however, has always been doubted. Various calls for health care reforms have been made in view of the allegations that the health care industry is nothing but a money making scam where large insurance firms and health institutions participate in. The following problems are usually apparent with respect to the health care industry of the United States: (1) medical bankruptcy, (2) premature deaths among those who are un- and under-insured, and lastly, (3) the wasteful flows of funds that maximize the profits of insurance companies. Longman, the author of the book entitled â€Å"Best care anywhere: why VA heal th care is better than yours† cited the reforms taken in the Veterans Health Care Industry. Longman argues that the reforms in the entire American Health Care Industry must emulate the model in the Veterans Health Care Administration in view of the capacity of the latter to significantly improve and properly cater to the medical needs of the veterans. Aside from Longman, there are other scholars who have also focused on the comparison between Veterans Health Administration and other systems of care in the country. In sum, all of these studies have pointed out that the Veterans Health Administration delivers health care more efficiently as compared with the other health care systems in the United States of America (Kerr, et al., 2003; Petersen, et al., 2003; Rosenthal, et al., 2003). In this sense, these authors have highlighted the need for the health care policy makers in the United States of America to reform the other systems of health care in the country by focusing on the improvements to the Veterans Health Administration as a Model. On the other hand, however, this study focuses on the current issues that affect the Veterans Health Care Industry. Arguably, the policies concerning the Veterans Health Administration have likewise been significantly affected by the political processes concerning them. In this sense, this paper focuses on the following issues: (1) the role of political process on health care delivery, (2) the role of the demanders and suppliers of health policies, (3) how the political process affect cost of health care, human resources and various health care facilities, (4) the involvement of various levels of government in the political process and its effects on health care delivery, (5) involvement of interests groups and organizations in addressing the issues to sway modifications to policy/formation of policy, (6) strategies and recommendations and lastly, (7) the future of initiatives in health care delivery. The Role of the Po litical Process on Health Care Delivery Before going through the analysis of the different issues that currently affect the Veterans Health Administration, this section first focuses on the role of the different political processes on health care delivery. As a general rule, it was claimed that investments in health care are often employed for various political reasons rather than focusing on its benefits for the citizens. Evidently, health reform in various parts of the world, whether in developed or developing countries, is a highly political process (Benoit, 2003). In fact, other researchers even highlight the tendency for politicians to put healthcare reform at the center of their campaigns during electoral seasons. Apparently, health care reforms, as essential part of the political processes most especially with respect to campaigns focus on the following (1) the efforts as regards building better health care facil

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Organizational Change Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Change Business - Essay Example The utilization and implementation of change management are needed to turn this company around. H-P since its inception manufactured computers as one its core business strategies. The organization is currently considering a spin-off of its personal computer business which generated over $40 billion yearly revenues. It is looking to move the company in another direction. â€Å"H-P has agreed to pay $10.3 billion to buy U.K. software maker Autonomy Corp. and scrapped its TouchPad tablet computer, moves that had sparked concern from customers and investors alike† (Worthen, 2011). The HP, tablets are a product that the company showcased for many years. There seems to be resistance to change among the managerial staff of the enterprise. Resistance to change can be defined as an attitude or behavior that shows an unwillingness to make or support change (Shermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2003, pg. 404). Mr. Apotheker was fired because he was unable to meet the financial expectations of the shareholders during the past three quarters. His tenure as CEO of the firm lasted less than a year. Mrs. Whitman has a tough task ahead as the employees, investors, and other stakeholders of the company are desperate for results. In order for her to be successful, she must change the organizational culture, improve the internal and external communication, and invest in research and development to bring to market the type of innovative products Hewlett Packard customers expect of the company. The second article chosen for analysis was How to Change Your Culture: Organizational Culture Change (Heathfield, 2011). I found this article insightful because the business culture of a company is the root that must be targeted when implementing organizational change. People get accustomed to routines, processes, and old technologies in the workplace. Changing organizational culture is a very tough task. The organization culture of a company is correlated to the managerial style of the decision makers of the company.  Ã‚  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Global Strategy College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Global Strategy College - Essay Example Banai and Sama (2004) argue that empirical evidence indicates that MNCs who betray a preference for home country employees/managers, do not simply establish themselves as foreign entities within their host economies but, place themselves at the forefront of ethical questioning and suspicion. Rather than be regarded by host country citizens as potential employers and sources of foreign investment, they are regarded as conduits for the channeling of financial resources from the host economy to the parent one (Banai and Sama, 2004). Needless to say, this constrains the potential for constructive cooperation between the MNCs in question and the host economy. Insofar as Pfizer is concerned, it will further cast suspicion on the veracity of its publicized slogans. Judging by the stated, therefore, Pfizer should rely on host-country employees. In addition to the above stated the argument for reliance on host country employees is further fortified by the very nature of the industry within which Pfizer operates.

Sunday, August 25, 2019


OBSERVATION 5 OBSERVING KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOM - Essay Example Inside the class, the children were gossiping with one another and making a lot of noise. Some were even banging their desks while others started to take out their notebooks and pencils from their bags. The teacher asked the children to be quiet so that she could take the roll call but the children would not listen. The teacher then shouted at the top of her voice saying, â€Å"Be quiet!† and also clapped the rostrum with her palm loudly to gain the children’s attention. Suddenly, there was pin-drop-silence. Some children looked terrified while others put their fingers on their lips. The teacher called the students â€Å"a mess† and similar rude words. Once everybody was quiet, the teacher then started taking the roll call. It was the kindergarten classroom and the average age of the children was 5 years. They were 25 children in total. The teacher made a very rational approach in transiting from the exercise activity to the classroom activity. She asked the children to arrange themselves in a line. This not only organized the children so that they could move toward the class in a disciplined way, but also saved the teacher’s time and energy that would have otherwise been consumed in guiding the scattered children toward the classroom. The children even looked very disciplined when arranged in the form of a line. While the teacher’s approach here was very praiseworthy, her way of getting the children’s attention in the classroom was just as much indecent and unsophisticated. She looked struggling very hard to gain their attention and she even had to bang the rostrum and shout at the top of her voice to make them quiet. She was loud enough to be heard shouting outside the classroom as well. Her shouting even terrified the children. This not only broke her emotional connection with the children but might also have set a bad impression on the other teachers who had heard her shout. Rather than shouting, the teacher could have easily

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Practical and Legal Dangers of Involuntary Outpatient Commitment Research Paper

The Practical and Legal Dangers of Involuntary Outpatient Commitment for Patients with Mental Illness - Research Paper Example Such threats are practical and legal tough because they may be involuntary. In addition, outpatient commitment can hinder offering voluntary services and discourage people from using mental health care services. When people fear to acquire services from mental health care centers, stigma precedes. Therefore, it is necessary to develop legal ways of handling this issue other than the voluntary therapeutic models (Levkowitch, Weiser, Levy and Neumann, 2001). Objectives This paper aims at analyzing practical and legal dangers associated with involuntary outpatient commitment. This is important because of the dangers and stigma that are associated with individuals diagnosed with mental illness. Therefore, this paper will attempt to scrutinize this in details and identify the practical and legal actions to be done, so that these issues are dealt with completely. Literature review Outpatient commitment refers to employed strategy or mechanism of dealing with or compelling a mentally ill pe rson. This aims at encouraging this people to comply with the psychotropic drugs and the ordered treatment as a strategy of living in the community. In this case it is always important for diagnosed individuals undergo frequent blood and urine test, attend self-help group meetings, as well as enter psychotherapy with specific therapist. At times, condition demands orders are prolonged to enable the target issue to be met. Individuals currently considered to be dangerous, do not qualify to be our patients but rather in-patient. This is important because such people can be dangerous to the community. As a result, it is essential to restrict them so that their handling can be easy. Most of the outpatient supporters claim that this strategy is gentler and kind compared to alternative of inpatient commitment. They claim that this will help to reduce threats that arise from involuntary hospitalization. In this case, the targeted individuals are those who have mental illness. However, outp atient commitment will require an individual with pain of entering police custody to undergo re-hospitalization, comply with decisions for treatment and prove no danger to the community. These are compatible with the law, and at the same time help enhance safety to the community at large. The first law relating with outpatient was enacted during the early 1980s. As a result, over 40 states now have this law in books. About 20 states out of 40 invoke the law most infrequently because of the reluctance of the service providers’ participation and lack of the community-based service (Sinaiko and McGuire, 2008). According to many scholars, the main issue of concern is whether the outpatient commitment will be able to achieve its objectives. Existing claims say that this may not increase public safety enormously. They state that in our society most of the violence results in issues different from mental illness. They claim that only few people are dangerous to others and to themsel ves due to mental illness. In addition, most of them have gone to an extent of committing criminal offences. According to the law, it is important to seek involuntary hospitalization in emergency cases of violence from mentally ill individuals. There exist only few evidences supporting the fact that outpatient commitment will make the public and diagnosed individuals safer. According to the requirements of majority of scholars, it is necessary to incorporate innovative

Friday, August 23, 2019

Private Equity in Developing Countries Case Study

Private Equity in Developing Countries - Case Study Example Exit might be accomplished by means of preliminary public offering (IPO) of the investee company’s stocks on a stock market, or by offering the investment to a trade purchaser or a different fund. The past many years have observed a growth in private equity action in the developing world. This continues to be fuelled mainly by institutional traders located in America. The causes of this progress are many. Among them has been the latest quick development of numerous developing nations and the recreation of curtails on international savings in lots of these nations. Possibly just as crucial has been the current insight by numerous institutional traders that the profits from private equity assets in the U.S. will probably decline in forthcoming years. (Claessens 78) While detailed data is difficult to find, a handful of instances can help depict these habits. In 1994 alone, private equity revenue located in Hong Kong and China brought up a full amount of $3.1 billion in funds. Two-thirds of the capital originated from outside Asia, with the solitary biggest supply being U.S. establishments. This total was greater than the total produced by specialist private equity establishments there since the initial fund was brought up in Hong Kong in 1981. In 1994 and 1995, Latin American revenue produced $1 .4 billion. This symbolized many times the quantity that had been brought up in the past by revenue in the area. India, Eastern Europe, South Africa, and Israel are simply some of the other places where a variety of private equity funds have long been or currently are now being produced. Furthermore, funds founded in the U.S. are more and more spending instantly in deals in the developing world, frequently in combination with these funds. Traders started to deem growing markets when planning some new investment territories in the past due 1990s. PE is usually related to high profits on investment in comparison to other forms of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Putting It All Together Essay Example for Free

Putting It All Together Essay A Childhood to Remember Memorial Splash Park has gone through the early planning stages. It is now time to take what the committee has composed on paper, and turn it into a reality. The planning stages has taken a total of three months to accurately address timing, sitting/sizing, cost, potential funding, and community research for the park. Once those issues were calculated and discussed, then the additional issues of which park elements will be used, security, and maintenance of the splash park was addressed. The proposal of Memorial Splash Park has been presented to the board, as well as all research in regards to cost, sitting, sizing, funding options, equipment/labor needed, security, maintenance, and community surveys. The proposal was voted 6 to 1 in favor of construction of Memorial Splash Park. I, and the committee, have to decide to break ground September 4th, 2012 and complete construction exactly four months from the date. A brief, but detailed, account will be given as to the steps taken over the four months to get the park up and running. Planned Cost of Construction  Before construction could begin, total cost had to be calculated for Memorial Splash Park. Once every aspect of the planning stage was researched and gathered, C. Faye (assigned committee member to calculating cost) used this equation to the overall cost of project = Cost of playground equipment + Cost of installation + Cost of surfacing + Cost of design fees, grading, landscaping, and other expenses = Total project cost or budget (Ruth, 2008). This basic equation will help the project stay within budget and the time frame set. Month 1: Underground Work  Before any park elements could be laid down, the old foundation of the area selected had to be broken up and the Earth dug up to view the current pipe and drainage system (see appendix diagram 1). It was the determined that minimal issues had to be addressed to make the pipe and drainage system adequate to serve the needs of the splash park. What saved a great deal on time was the fact 4 in. PVC pipes (not metal) were in place. Once the minor issues were addressed, the system was tested and inspected; it was passed by the citys lead structural engineer. This initial process took a total of two weeks to complete. Now that the proper pipe/drainage system is in place, foundation has been laid in the respective areas for the full basketball court and water area. These areas required a special concrete blend. The playground area foundation will be composed of a shock absorbing material that will help make that area safe. To reduce the risk of injury due to falls, playground equipment should be located above a shock-absorbing, or safety surface (Ruth, 2008). It is imperative that children safety be first and foremost. The laying of foundation on each specialized area took two weeks. So the total process correcting pipe/drainage system to laying the foundation was one month. Month 2: Playground Construction Once the foundation has properly dried and been tested, it was decided to start piecing together the playground area (see appendix diagram Playground Area). After much consideration, it was agreed upon going with pressure-treated wood with a hint of durable recycled plastic over galvanized steel and aluminum. It will give the area a modern yet familiar feel. We decided to go with the equipment manufacturers option of a community build. This helped save 25% of the cost of the playground. The community build allowed for the community to come together to erect and assemble the play structure. The manufacturer even provided assistance to help organize a successful â€Å"Build Week†, and also trained supervisors to oversee the work. This assembly of the playground area took a total of two and a half weeks, and the remainder of the month was left to rigorous testing of the structure. Month 3: Splash Area Construction, so far, has gone as planned, until a three straight days of rain occurred. This pushed back the start of the splash area (see appendix diagram Splash Area) by a week. This part of the process did not include the community involvement and was completed by the hired construction crew plus a structural engineer. The elements of the splash park include galvanized steel parts to make the different structures that water will shoot, spray, and pour down. Also, during the laying of the foundation process, holes were made in order to allow for water to shoot up from the ground, allow for the placement of made structures, and to drain the water out. The different colors chosen were to help bring about good vibes and fun times. Once every structure was composed, it was set and mounted in its respective place. The process took four week exactly and passed the structural engineers approval. Month 4: Basketball Court Area And Clean Up The construction of the splash area went over by a week due to rain. This left three weeks left until Memorial Splash Park was completed. The last thing was finishing the full court basketball area (see appendix diagram Basketball Court) and cleaning up before the grand opening. The court was left for last because it will take the least amount of time to complete. First thing that was done was to surface the court with lights. The surfacing process took no more than three days. Lastly the court was lined and painted and allowed to dry. The basketball court construction was completed in a week and a half. The final week and a half was left to an intense community cleanup, with proper disposal, and reevaluations of each area. Each area was again passed and what could be recycled was indeed. Additional Structures and Services As each area was built, there were also a specified amount of benches, three medium covered picnic areas, grills, and a mile walking circle enclosing the park added. These additional structures will assist in appealing to every one of all ages. The committee left no stone unturned when planning out Memorial Splash Park. Additional services must be provided to keep the park in pristine condition and safe for the patrons. Maintenance will be done quarterly by the Park and Recreation Department for the city. They will be accompanied by a structural engineer to ensure the structures have not been compromised by nature (severe thunder, hail, and rain storms) or defaced. Also the park will be opened from 8:00am to 10:00pm and will have two plain clothed armed security guards on duty during those times. The security guards are there to eliminate sexual predators, bullying, gang activity, and fighting. We want everybody to be able to come and have a great time without worrying about anything. Conclusion Memorial Splash Park opened to great reviews seven months after a small committee came together to make a change. A community barbeque/splash day was held and everybody was invited. The overall goal was to provide a safe and free place where children and families can enjoy themselves. The construction process was broken down over four months, with each month dedicated to the building of a specific area. Each structure brought about its own set of challenges, from making sure proper pipe/drainage system was in order to dealing with the elements. The project managed to stay on budget and within the time frame allotted. Memorial Splash Park would not have been the success it is with the involvement of the community. They helped with the building of the playground area as well as the cleanup. Memorial Splash Park was born out of the need to return fun to the children of the community as well as bring the community together. All it takes is few willing minds to do something bigger than them.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

King Arthur Essay Example for Free

King Arthur Essay While significant attention is given to the potential historical origins of King Arthur, the Arthur who lingers in pop consciousness is the product of the romantic imaginings of literature and poetry. It is frequently asserted that he is a product of a medieval zeitgeist, which needed a heroic figure to represent the values of its culture. Arthur is a rather complex hero in the wake of the Greek heroes that preceded him, a medieval modern who stands in stark contrast to his classically antiquated predecessors. The tales identify Arthur as the bastard child of the lady Igraine. Merlin used his skills to help Uther Pendragon come to her under the guise of Igraine’s husband the Duke of Cornwall, and Arthur was the fruit of that adulterous union. Merlin takes Arthur and raises him, and when he reached manhood he becomes King of Britain. Arthur’s ascension is detailed as having begun with an embrace with his destiny by obtaining the sword Excalibur. Depending on how the tale is told, he either obtains it by pulling it from a stone or anvil, or it is given to him by the Lady of the Lake. Either way, this dramatically proves his worth despite numerous challengers to the throne. As King, Arthur takes a wife and assembles a gallery of knights who convene around a round table and go on quests in search of the legendary Holy Grail, as well as unifying the various geographical and political factions of Britain as one kingdom, governed under the utopia capital of Camelot. However, despite his desire for peace and prosperity for Britain, the foibles and flaws of his peers continue to disappoint him. Eventually he faces his own mortality, when he is challenged by his own son Mordred for the right to rule, despite his desire for a peaceable settlement. Mordred is defeated but Arthur is fatally wounded and dies. Arthur exemplifies a hero who struggles with duality. Despite the mythic stature accorded to him, his ability to command respect, his strength of courage and his fair-minded sense of justice makes him an exemplar of pure Christianity: liberal in disposition and democratic in temperament, but he is also rather arrogant and inflexible. His crusades also place him in a position in which he frequently neglects his responsibilities as a leader, despite having fought for the right to rule among petty bickering would-be monarchs. The Queen he romanced is left neglected during his adventures, and she betrays him through adultery. His cunning and courage is remarkable, but is witness only abroad never to be put to good use within the kingdom. The Greek heroes are significantly darker, which sets them apart from the rather romantic and idealist tone of Arthur’s mythical self-journey. Consider for example, Achilles: Like Arthur, he was born of an arranged union. Zeus was afraid of a prophecy which told that a child of Thetis would overthrow him, and thus provided for her to conceive with a half-mortal child. Whereas Arthur’s parentage was largely a design of Merlin’s to obtain a new protà ©gà © to raise, while Achilles’ parentage was a political one, insofar as the machinations of gods can be political. Additionally, Achilles’ alienation from humanity is more pronounced, because he is literally ‘less than human’ in his partial divinity, though this divinity makes him cruel rather than virtuous, a far cry from Arthur. The superhuman Beowulf is also comparable to Arthur. While he is able to defeat monstrous opponents in single combat, he parallels Arthur as a monarch whose grim demeanor softens as he ages, and concludes his life with a confrontation with his own mortality. He emerges victorious but fatally wounded, ready to embrace death with the same kind of acceptance that Arthur does.

Rectification circuit for a dc power supply

Rectification circuit for a dc power supply 1. Introduction Most of the electronic devices do not power on AC basis, and if so it will conduct a lot of power and will be damaged the first moment it operates. Thus a device that reduces the voltage and correspondingly smoothes the output voltage to become much more stable and reliable to use than the AC which is the DC is needed. A question may arise that asks why do not use batteries to supply a DC voltage. Well, it is a good it a good question, but batteries are expensive and does not handle large electronic devices. Imagine having a desktop on batteries and having to change its battery every half an hour or so, it is a nightmare. As a result, in this case, a linier DC power supply that operates from fixed (ex: at home) AC voltage is needed. A rectification circuit do all that automatically. It smoothes and filters the current and make it a better than a battery DC source. The report paper will focus primarily on the technical aspects of the Rectification circuit used in the linear DC power supply. Other aspects than mentioned will not be included. 2. Discussion 2.1. Linear power supply AnACpowered linear power supply usually uses atransformerto convert the voltage from the wall outlet (mains) to a different, usually a lower voltage. If it is used to produceDC, arectifieris used. A capacitoris used to smooth the pulsating current from the rectifier. Some small periodic deviations from smooth direct current will remain, which is known asripple (Wiki, 2009). The voltage produced by an unregulated power supply will vary depending on the load and on variations in the AC supply voltage. For critical electronics applications alinear regulatorwill be used to stabilize and adjust the voltage. This regulator will also greatly reduce the ripple and noise in the output direct current. Linear regulators often provide current limiting, protecting the power supply and attached circuit from over current (Wiki, 2009). Figure 1 illustrates two common linear power supply circuits in current use. Both circuits employ full-wave rectification to reduce ripple voltage to capacitor C1. The bridge rectifier circuit has a simple transformer but current must flow through two diodes. The centre-tapped configuration is preferred for low output voltages since there is just on diode voltage drop. For 5V and 12V outputs, Schottky barrier diodes are commonly used since they have lower voltage drops than equivalently rated ultra-fast types, which further increase power conversion efficiency. However, each diode must withstand twice the reverse voltage that a diode sees in a full-wave bridge for the same input voltage. The linear voltage regulator behaves as a variable resistance between the input and the output as it provides the precise output voltage. One of the limitations to the efficiency of this circuit is due to the fact that the linear device must drop the difference in voltage between the input and output. Consequently the power dissipated by the linear device isVi-VoÃÆ'- Io. While these supplies have many desirable characteristics, such as simplicity, low output ripple, excellent line and load regulation, fast response time to load or line changes and low EMI, they suffer from low efficiency and occupy large volumes. Switching power supplies are becoming popular because they offer better solutions to these problems (National, 2002). 2.2. Transformer Atransformeris a device, figure 2, that transferselectrical energyfrom onecircuitto another throughinductively coupledconductorsà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬the transformers coils. A varyingcurrentin the first orprimarywinding creates a varyingmagnetic fluxin the transformers core, and thus a varyingmagnetic fieldthrough the secondarywinding. This varying magnetic fieldinducesa varyingelectromotive force (EMF)or voltage in the secondary winding. This effect is called mutual induction. If aloadis connected to the secondary, an electric current will flow in the secondary winding and electrical energy will be transferred from the primary circuit through the transformer to the load. In an ideal transformer, the induced voltage in the secondary winding (VS) is in proportion to the primary voltage (VP), and is given by the ratio of the number of turns in the secondary (NS) to the number of turns in the primary (NP) as follows: Step down transformers convert electrical voltage from one level or phase configuration usually down to a lower level. They can include features for electrical isolation, power distribution, and control and instrumentation applications. Step down transformers typically rely on the principle of magnetic induction between coils to convert voltage and/or current levels. Step down transformers are made from two or more coils of insulated wire wound around a core made of iron. When voltage is applied to one coil (frequently called the primary or input) it magnetizes the iron core, which induces a voltage in the other coil, (frequently called the secondary or output). The turns ratio of the two sets of windings determines the amount of voltage transformation. An example of this would be: 100 turns on the primary and 50 turns on the secondary, a ratio of 2 to 1. Step down transformers can be considered nothing more than a voltage ratio device. With step down transformers the voltage ratio between primary and secondary will mirror the turns ratio (except for single phase smaller than 1 KVA which have compensated secondarys). A practical application of this 2 to 1 turns ratio would be a 480 to 240 voltage step down. Note that if the input were 440 volts then the output would be 220 volts. The ratio between input and output voltage will stay constant. Transformers should not be operated at voltages higher than the nameplate rating, but may be operated at lower voltages than rated. Because of this it is possible to do some non-standard applications using standard transformers. Single phase step down transformers 1 kva and larger may also be reverse connected to step-down or step-up voltages. (Note: single phase step up or step down transformers sized less than 1 KVA should not be reverse connected because the secondary windings have additional turns to overcome a voltage drop when the load is applied. If reverse connected, the output voltage will be less than desired). 2.3. Rectifier Arectifieris an electrical device that convertsalternating current(AC) todirect current(DC), a process known asrectification. Rectifiers have many uses including as components of power suppliesand asdetectorsofradiosignals. Rectifiers may be made ofsolid statediodes,vacuum tubediodes,mercury arc valves, and other components (Wiki, Rectifier, 2009). While half-wave and full-wave rectification suffice to deliver a form of DC output, neither produces constant-voltage DC. In order to produce steady DC from a rectified AC supply, a smoothing circuit orfilter,is required. In its simplest form this can be just areservoir capacitoror smoothing capacitor, placed at the DC output of the rectifier. There will still remain an amount of ACripplevoltage where the voltage is not completely smoothed. Sizing of the capacitor represents a trade-off. For a given load, a larger capacitor will reduce ripple but will cost more and will create higher peak currents in the transformer secondary and in the supply feeding it. In extreme cases where many rectifiers are loaded onto a power distribution circuit, it may prove difficult for the power distribution authority to maintain a correctly shaped sinusoidal voltage curve (Wiki, Rectifier, 2009). For a given tolerable ripple the required capacitor size is proportional to the load current and inversely proportional to the supply frequency and the number of output peaks of the rectifier per input cycle (National, 2002). The load current and the supply frequency are generally outside the control of the designer of the rectifier system but the number of peaks per input cycle can be affected by the choice of rectifier design. A half-wave rectifier will only give one peak per cycle and for this and other reasons is only used in very small power supplies. A full wave rectifier achieves two peaks per cycle and this is the best that can be done with single-phase input. For three-phase inputs a three-phase bridge will give six peaks per cycle and even higher numbers of peaks can be achieved by using transformer networks placed before the rectifier to convert to a higher phase order (Wiki, Rectifier, 2009). To further reduce this ripple, acapacitor-input filtercan be used. This complements the reservoir capacitor withinductor and a secondfilter capacitor, so that a steadier DC output can be obtained across the terminals of the filter capacitor. A more usual alternative to a filter, and essential if the DC load is very demanding of a smooth supply voltage, is to follow the reservoir capacitor with avoltage regulator. The reservoir capacitor needs to be large enough to prevent the troughs of the ripple getting below the voltage the DC is being regulated to. The regulator serves both to remove the last of the ripple and to deal with variations in supply and load characteristics. It would be possible to use a smaller reservoir capacitor (these can be large on high-current power supplies) and then apply some filtering as well as the regulator, but this is not a common strategy. The extreme of this approach is to dispense with the reservoir capacitor altogether and put the rectified waveform straight into a choke-input filter. The advantage of this circuit is that the current waveform is smoother and consequently the rectifier no longer has to deal with the current as a large current pulse, but instead the current delivery is spr ead over the entire cycle. The downside is that the voltage output is much lower approximately the average of an AC half-cycle rather than the peak. 2.4. Regulator The regulator is an electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain 3. The Proposed Circuit * The proposed circuit shall have an input voltage equals to 220v. * A centre-tapped step down transformer with 220v output and 12v output. * 2 diodes (1N4001) working independently (note: duel regulated) as half-wave rectifiers. * 2 capacitors (1000u) to smooth the signal. * 2 voltage regulators (LM7815C) to regulate the coming voltages from the capacitors. * 2 small values capacitor (10u) for final smoothing for the output voltage. * The output voltage of 0-5v. 4. Conclusion One of the best ways to output an efficient and reliable DC power supply is to use linear power supply, which uses a step-down transformer, a rectification circuit, a regulator and a filter. The step-down transformer takes the voltage down from 220v to 12v, then the rectification circuit smoothes and filters it using capacitors and diodes, as a result, the output DC voltage would be 0-5v with a minimal ripple factor using the proposed circuit as mentioned. Works Cited National, S. C. (2002, September 1). Introduction to Power Supplies. Santa Clara, California, USA. Wiki. (2009, December 10). Power supply. Retrieved December 14, 2009, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Wiki. (2009, December 9). Rectifier. Retrieved December 16, 2009, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Power supply. Retrieved December 15, 2009, from: Wiki. (2009, December 12). Rectifier. Retrieved December 15, 2009, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: AC to DC Cuircts. Retrieved December 16, 2009, from: Power supply. Retrieved December 15, 2009, from: Step-down transformers. Retrieved December 14, 2009, from: Step Down Transformers. Retrieved December 15, 2009, from:

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pipilotti Rist and Virtual Utopia Essay -- Art

Within new media, there exists the desire and possibility to produce new effects upon the viewer, to grant new experiences. Pipilotti Rist seeks the creation of virtual utopias within the limitations of the video medium in installations such as her recent work at the Museum of Modern Art, Pour Your Body Out (7354 Cubic Meters) in 2009. The work transforms the typically bare atrium of the Museum of Modern Art into an active environment, where a reciprocal relationship between the viewer and the projection can take place. Communication between viewers also forms an essential component in the work; discourse becomes the mediator in the spectator’s relationship to the imagery. The formal characteristics of the work are crucial in their produced effect upon the audience. It is a four panel screen landscape, whose size of 7354 cubic meters is made referent in the title. Despite its monumental size, the work does not function as an oppressive weapon but rather a positive force, one that is able to free us from our inhibitions. Rist frequently experiments with the various ways in which video can be projected onto surfaces. Though she does not push the technical boundaries of the video medium medium, she nonetheless pushes the limits within video projection. Requiring seven different projectors to be linked seamlessly, her work is a technical achievement for this feat alone. A large circular couch occupies the center of the exhibition space. Its shape is meant to be reminiscent of the human iris, but also bring to mind the iris of the camera as well. The camera is presented as a living eye in her work, capable of bending and twisting, contorting reality in its own light. It is at the same time a sensuous device, one that exp... ...eing an artwork. Works Cited Bickers, Patricia. Caressing SPACE. Art Monthly no. 350 (October 2011): 1-4. Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson), EBSCOhost (accessed May 28, 2012). Harris, Jane. "Psychedelic, baby: an interview with Pipilotti Rist." Art Journal 59, no. 4 (December 15, 2000): 68-79. Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson), EBSCOhost (accessed May 28, 2012). Hayden, Malin Hedlin. "Pipilotti Rist. Gravity, Be My Friend." Konsthistorisk Tidskrift 77, no. 3 (January 2, 2008): 200-207. Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson), EBSCOhost (accessed May 28, 2012). Iles, Chrissie. You are a Queen: The Selfless Spaces of Pipilotti Rist. Pipilotti Rist:Eyeball Massage. Edited by Stephanie Rosenthal. London, UK: Hayward Publishing, 2011. Rosenthal, Stephanie. Be My Friend!. Pipilotti Rist:Eyeball Massage. Edited by Stephanie Rosenthal. London, UK: Hayward Publishing, 2011.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Sutton&Anderson Pastoralism Summary :: essays research papers

Sutton Anderson Chapter 8 Pastoralism is the form of agriculture where the domestication and use of animals are used for the primary means of food production. There is a relationship among the animals and humans. The humans give the animals’ protection and guaranteed reproduction. Animals give humans food and other products. Most pastoral groups are loose tribes moving around, yet the household is the primary organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Three types of pastoralism exist, (1) nomadic (groups are very mobile and rely heavily on their animals), (2) semi-nomadic (groups are less mobile and animal products are supplemented by horticulture), and (3) semi-sedentary, (groups that are not very mobile and horticulture is a major aspect to the way of life). Herdsman husbandry and sedentary animal husbandry are components of larger agricultural systems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Herbivores are used in pastoralism; animals include reindeer, horses, sheep, camels, cattle, and others. The origin of pastoralism is unknown; however it is believed that it arose from an agricultural system. The animals live in pastures and feed there. Grazers primarily eat grasses and low-growing plants. Browsers eat primarily foliage from bushes and trees. This makes it possible to have different species on the same pasture (habitat) while occupying different niches. Careful management of the pastures is essential for the group’s survival. Animal products include meat, blood, milk, hides, hair, wool, and dung. Most groups supplement these products with horticulture, trade and wild resources.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Unmanaged or poorly managed use of pastures can led to damage of ecosystems. The current practice of changing forest into pasture lands is causing considerable damage. The Maasai of East Africa provide us with an example of properly managed pastures. The Maasai burn brush to create pasture land, when the herd must be moved so that the pasture can regain its strength, other animals such as deer and small wild pigs enter the fallow fields, thus creating another resource of food for them. The governments of Kenya and Tanzania took about 75% of the Maasai lands to use for tourism. The land soon began to grow over and the brush took over. The large game that the government was counting on to create revenue from the tourists began to leave to find more suitable land. The governments are slowly giving the Maasai people their land back in hope that their properly managed pastures can bring the large game back.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Navajo of the American Southwest are an example of semi sedentary pastoralists.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Conditional and Iterative Data Types :: Essays Papers

Conditional and Iterative Data Types Conditional and Iterative A programming language cannot be a programming language with out its conditional and iterative structures. Programming languages are built to accomplish the task of controlling computer input and output. A programmer must use every tool available to complete his/her given tasks, and conditional as well as iterative statements are the most basic items of programming which must be mastered. Many different programming languages can demonstrate conditional and iterative statements including C++, Java, Pascal, Qbasic, COBOL, and Scheme. Most of these languages implement conditional and iterative statements in a similar fashion; however, there are a few differences. The conditional structure is easy to understand and self-defining. The whole statement is base on a condition and its veracity. When the statement or "test" is found to be true, a statement is executed, and if it is false, another test is given or the program continues to the next block. Conditional structures include the simple, two-alternative, multi-alternative, and non-deterministic conditional. The simple conditional is the easiest to understand being the IF-THEN statement. if *Boolean expression* then *block of statements* IF a condition is met THEN execute a statement. The two-alternative conditional or IF-ELSE is also easy to understand. if *Boolean expression* then *block of statements* else *block of statements* IF a condition is met execute a statement; ELSE the condition was not met so execute a different statement. The multi-alternative conditional is very close to the two-alternative conditional. if *condition-1* then *statement-block-1* elseif *condition-2* then *statement-block-2* †¦ elseif *condition-n* then *statement-block-n* [else *statement-block-(n+1)*] end if The IF question is asked about a statement, and if it is not true, the next statement is examined. If statement number two is not true, the next statement is examined; then the next statement is examined and so forth until a condition is met, and the control is carried out of the multi-alternative conditional. The non-deterministic conditional is similar to the multi-alternative conditional, because it has multiple conditionals. if *condition-1*  *statement-sequence-1* when *condition-2*  *statement-sequence-2* †¦ when *condition-n*  *statement-sequence-n* end if The reason multi-alternative and non-deterministic conditionals are different, stems from the release of program's control or flow. The non-deterministic conditional tests each statement to see if its condition is met; whereas the multi-alternative conditional only tests statements until one of the conditions is met. After one of the conditions is met, the multi-alternative conditional releases the program control and fails to check anymore statements.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Moni Lisa Smile Andralogical Model

Movie â€Å"Moni Lisa Smiles† Related to Andragogical Style of Teaching The movie begins with Katherine Watson (Julia Roberts), in 1953, accepting an art history teaching position at the prestigious New England school for women. She is a liberal and a feminist who was inspired to come to Wellesley to â€Å"make a difference†. After a semester of teaching a progressive, less traditional teaching style, she is given conditions by the alumni that, if she is to stay at Wellesley, she will teach the outlined syllabus and submit her lessons plans for prior approval.This demonstrated the hard core traditional style view that governed Wellesley’s educators. The students were expected to memorize the textbook. The administrator made the statement, â€Å"You didn’t come to Wellesley to help people find their way; you came to help people find your way. † To compare the behavior of the students in the film, I’ll start on the first day of class; the stude nts embarrass Ms. Watson, the teacher, in front of the class evaluator by knowing everything she had prepared. The character, or teacher, seemed to demonstrate two different educational or behavioral positions.At the end of the movie, you find numerous assumptions of the andragogical model. Ms. Watson appeared as a feminist who refused to fall under the traditional educational objectives or educational theories. Therefore, she changes her educational model or theory to the andragogical style of teaching. This was a change from the beginning of the movie when she first entered the classroom with the traditional power point. Thus according to Knowles (2011), she originally followed the pedagogical model. This model is clearly defined in The Adult Learner written by Knowles, Holton, and Swanson, 2011.It explains the pedagogical model assigns the teacher full responsibility for making all decisions about what will be learned, how it will be learned, when it will be learned, and if it ha s to be learned (2011, p. 60). This is the style of teaching the administrative staff at Wellesley believed to be the best. Historically this model has been found to be less effective than the andragogical style for adult learners who have specific educational needs. The assumption that the andragogical model is based on includes: (Knowles, 2011 p. 63-67) Principals of teaching 🙠 Knowles, 2011 p. 63-67) . The learner’s need to know. -The first task of Watson was to help the students become aware of the need to know by making or demonstrating an intellectual case for the value of learning by giving them the potential tools, thus improving the quality of their lives. As an educator her goal was to help them discover the gaps between where they were and where they wanted to be. She demonstrated that there is much more to art that memorizing a textbook. This was demonstrated best in the movie when she talked to Joan about pursuing law school and seeking a career. 2. The l earner’s self-concept. Educator Watson was fully aware the girls had arrived at the self-concept that they were more than capable of reading the book and memorizing the information as they had been previously taught in the past. Educator Watson was approached with resentment and resistance by the girls demonstrating they had previously read the text. The attitude was, â€Å"We know this so just let us go out in smoke and socialize. † Watson was on top of the situation by coming to the second class introducing new thought stimulating ideas; she utilized a power point presentation that included a picture of Soutine’s â€Å"Carcass. She presented several other power points of art not found in the text and challenged the students to transition from being dependent learners, to think outside the box, transitioning and becoming self-directing learners. She also challenged them to become more than the traditional art students. Katherine tries to get the students to ex plore ideas by a metaphorical demonstration in the paint-by-numbers of the Van Gough painting ‘Sunflowers’, in which the whole class in this scene paints their own painting individually. 3. The role of the learner’s experiences. Educator Watson took teaching to another level by utilizing different learning strategies. She loved group discussions, problem solving and simulation exercises. She taught the importance of art related to individual expression and the students demonstrated their knowledge of this by each painting their own sunflower portrait. This was a demonstration of the role of the learner’s experience. With this example, she opened their minds to new approaches, encouraged expression of values, sensitivity training, and mediation through self-expression of art.She took them to her place where she had a collection of various artists that included modern to historical portraits. 4. The readiness to learn. -Ms. Watson’s new andragogical a pproach and thought provoking ideas stimulated a readiness to learn that changed from the original attitude in the first class. The girls with high expectations and obvious intellectual history became excited and ready to learn. The new approaches used by Watson changed the attitude toward the non-ivy league teacher. She encouraged them to use their experiences and valued their ideas and accepted them as people. . The orientation to learning. -Watson’s education style included real-life situations, and she taught them how art could help them to deal with problems. She used her personal history and collection to explain the importance of expression. She challenged their minds to analyze paintings and to paint for pleasure and therapeutic and social interactions. Watson wins them over when she introduces paintings not in the text, encouraging thought provoking ideas that really stimulated the minds of these students. . The motivation to learn. -Watson was an excellent motivator in the film. She never let the girls think for once that just memorization of a book was acceptable. She encouraged learning to go above the ideas of tradition. (Again; with the example of Soutine’s â€Å"Carcass† and more†¦) She motivated them to keep learning and encouraged them to be career oriented. Several times she told the students that they could be the housewife of their dreams, but to look at further education to fulfill their career dreams.When you look at the movie and the leading students, you realize at first they refuse to go along with the free thinking ideas and they think the textbook contains everything they need to know. Katherine is appalled at the fact that they actually think of their education as a way to pass their time until they are married. The behavior of three main students include: Giselle Levy (Maggie Gyllenhaal), the student that in the beginning of the movie abruptly spoke out and said, â€Å"We’re a far cry from Oakland, † in a snotty tone. She appeared to represent the class attitude.She appears to also be the most self-destructive of the students and does not seem to confront Watson’s ideas like the other two. She displayed a characteristic most would look at as being promiscuous; the film displayed her behavior as being the most feminist and she was exhibited as a student who liked to control men with her body, leading you to believe she traded sex for favors and sometimes just plain fun. The second student, Elizabeth (‘Betty’) Warren (Kirsten Dunst), whose mother is the head of the alumni, heads up the editorials for the school newspaper.Her viscous description of Ms. Watson’s roommate gets her fired. She is a malicious gossip that utilized her editorials like a knife to publicly downgrade others and doesn’t agree with Watson’s feminist ideas. This conflict of ideas is presented during the movie; they had many heated discussions. Betty strongly beli eved in the popular cultural idea that the woman’s place was in the home. Wellesley College, a prestigious New England women’s school, expected you to memorize course contents much like the pedagogical model or theory of adult model of learning.The women of that day attended prestigious schools expecting to prepare to become superb mothers, with the ultimate goal to take care of their husbands, only the elite males, and be home to care for the children. The third actor is Joan Brandwyn (Julia Stiles), who appears to be very open to the suggestion of Watson to pursue her dreams of attending law school. She struggles with the societal expectations of a woman in the 1950’s, to marry and have children, which were glorified as the ultimate prestigious goal.She is actually given a C on an assignment and goes to visit Ms. Watson when she is asked, â€Å"What is your plan after graduating? † â€Å"Just for fun,† questioned Watson, â€Å"if you could go to any law school in the country, which school would it be? † Joan told her Yale and explained Yale leaves five slots open for women and one of those five slots is for a Wellesley girl. Watson gets her an application, which she submits, and to her amazement she is accepted. She makes the decision in the movie to get married, and Ms.Watson continues to educate her that she can do both and ultimately gives her a plan on how she can be married and go to school. Watson pushes her students not to settle for the lifestyle of a housewife, but have career oriented goals. To analyze the role of the teacher promoting the conditions of learning, according to Knowles, is to look at the learning environment, not only the physical environment, but the mutual trust, respect, helpfulness, including freedom of expression and the acceptance of differences (2011, p. 92-93).The students must perceive the goals of the learning experience as their own goals. Educator Watson developed mutual trust and respect with the students. She demonstrated this in the movie when they decided they wanted her to be included in a social event. At the girls’ social, she was encouraged to drink alcoholic beverages and answer personal questions about her private affairs with men. She was open, honest and interacted with them, building a trust and demonstrating and expressing her commitment to teaching â€Å"to make a difference†.She again encouraged education to be a career building tool and iterated the goals of learning needed to be their career goals. She encouraged planning and commitment toward these goals in the movie, especially in one example where she actually got an application for Betty to Yale law school. According to our text, in review of the theories applied, Malcolm Knowles first introduced the andragogy concept or theory as an honest attempt to focus on the learner (2011 p. 2). The strength of andragogy is the fact that its six core adult learning principles can app ly to all learning situations (2011 p. ). It is a transactional model that enables those designing and conducting learning to build more effective learning processes (Knowles, 2011 p. 2). Knowles iterates the andragogy concept, when applied properly, will do everything possible to ensure the learner takes part in their learning process. This theory is best for the adult learner as their needs and capacity to learn are fully developed. We can utilize our experience and the fact that we have become responsible workers and learners.The pedagogical model assigns to the teacher the full responsibility for making all decision about what will be learned, how, and when it will be learned (Knowles 2011 p. 60). This model leaves to the learner the submissive role of following instructions and memorization. The characteristics of the prestigious Wellesley College for woman in 1953 included a satirical review of stuffy attitudes of the alumni and administration. They had rigid rules and goals f or the students. At the top of the list was getting married and college was just a place to go until that happened.Furthermore, Katherine Watson, a feminist teacher from California, whose unconventional adult teaching style was acquired from Berkeley, was shocked to learn that students viewed their education as a prerequisite for getting married. The progressive thinking taught in California was not accepted well by the staff at Wellesley. The new teachers’ class is hit and the students’ enrollment in her class increased, but the strict rules and guidelines put in place by Wellesley were not easy to swallow by Katherine who came to â€Å"make a difference. † It was obvious the institution and the educator were in conflict.At the close of the movie, Katherine decides to leave and go to Europe. Betty dedicates an editorial to her teacher claiming that Katherine is â€Å"an extraordinary woman who lived by example and compelled us all to see the world through new eyes. † As the movie ends, the students follow the taxi Katherine is in on their bicycles. Betty seems to be struggling and peddling the hardest as if to thank her for changing her life. If I was in the educational environment in the movie, I would promote learning by utilizing the framework of the six principals displayed by Knowles.The first step in acceptance of administration is to make them an active part of decision making when her new syllabus was created. As the teacher, I would empower administration with Knowles ideas and let them see my new ideas through his ideas and history. They certainly seem to feel that they must have the upper hand and make decisions and this would give the control feature they appear to need. Historically Knowles has proven himself. In the 1950’s he was the Executive Director of the Adult Education Association of the United States of America (Smith, 2002 p. 1-13).He had already published his first textbook that was a guide for educato rs and this textbook was followed by many more. If administration wanted to stay the prestigious college of the nation, they would realize it was time for change. According to the article by Smith, Knowles was responsible for a number of important ‘firsts’; he was the first to chart the rise of the adult education movement in the United States, the first to develop a statement of informal adult education practice, the first to develop a statement of informal adult education practice, and the first to attempt a comprehensive theory of adult education via the notion of andragogy) (Jarvis, 1987 p. 185). I firmly believe the administrative staff may need some education and redirection. After all, they are one of the most prestigious schools in the nation. I cannot see administration accepting to follow a less than the best for their girls, wives and future mothers. I am sure it would take patience and persistence. But if you look at the principles listed above and included the administration and persistently made them aware of the need to change to keep up with the ‘educational political hierarchy’ you would slowly ‘make a difference’.Empowerment often promotes change and Knowles was the leader in adult education of the 1950’s. When you review this film and similar films, it helps you comprehend the contemporary and historic constraints imposed on teachers and the contexts of dealing with alumni and administration. I had never really thought about the politics and social involvement of schools and teachers in the past and I can see what a dilemma it could create. I loved the movie and watched it more than once. I plan to purchase it to use for future educational reference.I can see that schools are sites of politics and culture, but as educators we must provoke the expression of students’ future identities and possibilities. References Knowles, M. S. , Holton, E. F. , & Swanson, R. A. , (2011). The adult learner . (7th ed. ). Amsterdam: Elsevier Inc. (Part I, Chapters 1-6). Smith, M. K. (2002) Malcolm Knowles, informal adult education, self-direction and andragogy’, The encyclopedia of informal education, Retrieved from: www. infed. org/thinkers/et-knowl. htm. Image Source Page: http://web. utk. edu/~start6/knowles/malcolm_knowles. html

Friday, August 16, 2019

Broken Family Essay

Family is the basic components of the society. And the parents are the most important source of youth’s behavior, which effect to their outlook in life. A home is where a family lives. It may be alternated to the word ‘house’ but a house is more appropriately referring to the material structure, whereas ‘home’ refers to the intangible things that bind together the family members. So if the parents are separated, how does it affect the youth and what can they do about it? When parents split up, there can be many emotions that a youth may have to deal with. These feelings, internalized or expressed, will result in certain behavior that will possibly affect to the youth’s outlook in life. And these feelings can cause a big impact in their performance study, socialization and personality. The most common dispute between a husband and a wife is the financial issue. This is rooted when the father, which should be the provider for the family, can’t give enough money for the sustenance of the whole family. Or early marriage could be the reason of the financial setback. Teen pregnancies are very much high in rate in the last decade. A couple that haven’t able to finish studies and started a family early would likely experience difficulty in monetary aspects. An undergraduate would have a hard time finding a lucrative job. Not mentioning that building a family needs a steadfast preparation particularly financially. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY What is a broken family? It is a family with the children involved where parents are legally or illegally separated and whose parents have decided to go and live their lives separately for several reasons/problems. It is one where the parents (mother and father) of a child or children have split up and no longer share a single family home as a family unit. This is also known as a broken home. â€Å"Broken home† is a term used to describe a household, usually in reference to parenting, in which the family unit does not properly function according to accepted societal norms. And we choose this topic to inform other people what are the possible things that they can do to help themselves and the others who are in the same situation to overcome their negative emotions brought about by having an incomplete family.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Aviation Essay

Baker aviation-Rams take Flight George T. Baker Aviation School offers high school students a chance to explore possible opportunities with varies programs designed to enrich students with information and actual time in the field of aviation. Baker offers three main programs for students to enroll in. The Aircraft Maintenance Technician Program prepares students for the practice of Aircraft Mechanics.Those who complete the Airframe and Power plant Technician Program are qualified to take the Federal Aviation Administration written and the practice tests. The Airframe Technician Program is a two-year program designed to teach students a thorough study of aircraft structures and organization. Another two year program integrated within the Aircraft Maintenance Program is The Power plant Technician Program where students study power plant theories and maintenance of aircraft engines.Students enrolled in this program need a minimum of a 2. 0 GPA, perfect attendance, conduct, and effort. T he Electronics Technician program develops students for starter positions in electronics and avionics, and as a part of the class they also acquire knowledge of technical skills, academic skills, and experience needed to maintain a job. The course includes electronics and avionics. Program graduates of the three-year program receive an Electronic Technology program completion certificate.The last program offered by the George T. Baker Aviation School is the Aerospace Technology Program which provides students with actual knowledge and experience in a wide variety of careers in Aerospace Technology. Those interested in a career in Aircraft Mechanics have an opportunity to expand their horizon and gain real practical skill before embarking in the career they’ve dreamed of.

Mina Harker: A Strong Character Essay

A strong character is one who possesses many qualities such as being selfless, courageous and sacrificial. Dracula written by Bram Stoker portrays the young and witty Mina Harker. She is the best example to fit the description of a strong character. Mina starts off as a young school mistress who is engaged. As the plot progresses, her normal life changes and she is faced with many challenges that she overcomes, that show that she is the strongest personality in the novel. The first attribute that portrays Mina as being the strongest character in the novel is her habit of being caring of everyone. The first time we see Mina doing so is when Lucy tells her that she has been proposed to by three different men, Dr. Seward, Quincey P. Morris, and Arthur Holmwood. Lucy loves the attention that is given to her by the three men and just like any best friend she tells Mina about it. Lucy says, â€Å"Just Fancy! THREE proposals in one day!† (P. 60) Meanwhile, Jonathan, Mina’s fiancà ©e has been out of reach for the past month. Mina is quite worried about it but she hides her pain from Lucy so she doesn’t worry about her problems. This not only shows that she is caring, it also shows that she is a great friend. Another example of Mina being caring is when she was staying with Lucy and her mother. Lucy had just started sleep walking and Mina did whatever she could to stop her. Mina did that despite knowing that she was under the curse of Dracula. She wrote, â€Å"Lucy did not wake, but she got up twice and dressed herself. Fortunately, each time I awoke in time and managed to undress her without waking her, and got her back to bed.† (P.93) Mina does a lot of little things that show that she is a genuinely caring person. Mina shows the reader that she cares about the ones around her and she is willing to do anything for them, even if it means to sacrifice her wants and needs. She shows that she really loves her husband by sacrificing for his sake. Her journey of sacrificing starts when she is called to Vienne because Jonathan has been staying there because he was ill. Within a very short time of being with Jonathan, they get married. She marries a man who is not very sane at that time because of what he has been through. Jonathan’s insanity  starts to become more obvious to her when he and Mina are walking down the road and he spots the Count and says â€Å"I believe it is the Count, but he has grown young.† (P. 184) Mina says that Jonathan was â€Å"was very pale, and his eyes seemed bulging out as, half terror and half in amazement.† (P. 183) She doesn’t get upset or regret marrying Jonathan. She doesn’t break down despite everything that’s going on aroun d her. This proves how strong she really is. The heroine of the novel continues to show how strong she really is by protecting her husband. After marrying Jonathan, Mina becomes Dracula’s next victim. Even though, it is not clearly said, she is dragged into Dracula’s deceitful plan because she is Jonathan’s wife. In chapter 21, Dracula comes into Mina’s room and threatens her by saying if she screams he’ll kill Jonathan. Dracula then makes her drink blood from his chest. Mina made another sacrifice by protecting her husband by doing something very unhygienic and immoral. She shows her strengths by protecting her husband all for the great sacrifice for love. The sacrifices that she makes show how much courageous she has. Her bravery in the plan to kill Count Dracula shows that she is willing to risk her life in order to save mankind from Dracula’s immorality. Her bravery begins to show right after Lucy has become un-dead and Van Helsing wants answers from Mina. The idea of being interrogated about somebody’s death can be quite frightening. Although, Mina shows that she is brave and answers everything Van Helsing has to ask. Van Helsing and the other men start to think of her as a â€Å"new woman† rather than a Victorian woman. Her ability to be brave like a man puts her in a position in which she is thought of as to be one of them. Van Helsing says, â€Å"Ah, that wonderful madam Mina! She has a man’s brain- a brain that a man should have where he much gifted- a woman’s heart. The good God fashioned her for a purpose believe me.† (P.253) This leads to the men trusting Mina with the strong qualities that she possesses. They know that despite the fact that she is a woman, she is brave. Mina shows her bravery and courage again when the men leave her in Dr. Seward’s home while they go to Carfax. The courage the she shows in these small scenes makes her a strong person overall. Despite all of the â€Å"new woman† qualities she possess such as bravery and  intelligence. She also possesses some other attributes of a strong person. She is a great listener and very comforting. Right after Lucy’s death, Van Helsing gets caught up in trying to explain what actually happened to Lucy to the other men. Dr. Seward, Quincey P. Morris and Arthur were in love with her. They went through quite an emotional ride after finding out what happened to her. In Chapter 17, everybody decided to meet at Dr. Seward’s house. The three men that loved Lucy hadn’t really opened up to anybody about their pain. Dr. Seward went through a lot of pain after seeing what Lucy went through. He hid it from others and himself by working day and night. On the other hand, Arthur was quite upset and shared a cry with Mina. Arthur and Mina were talking about Lucy and â€Å"he turned away and covered his face with his hands.† (P.247) Mina could hear him crying. Then Mina comforted him, something that the men had never done before. She became more of a motherly personality to him. She said, â€Å"With a sob he laid his head on my shoulder and cried like a wearing child, whilst he shook with emotion.† (P.247) Arthur understood that she had comforted him so he spoke to her freely. He said, â€Å"and none other can ever know __ how much your sweet sympathy has been to me to-day.† This shows that Mina is strong because she can provide emotional support to the people around her, something that the men can’t even do.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Abraham Maslow

Abstract Abraham Maslow is considered to be the father of Humanistic Psychology. Though growing up in a cruel household, he accomplished much in his lifetime. An avid advocate of â€Å"Human Motivation†, Maslow developed many theories corresponding to the subject. This article goes into detail on his theory of Hierarchy of Needs and Self-Actualization. Maslow put forth the notion of a 5-level pyramid of needs. Psychological, Safety and Security, Love and Belonging, and Esteem were considered essential â€Å"basic† needs. These must be fulfilled before a person can reach the highest level of Self-Actualization. Maslow studied a range of historical and public figures to come to a conclusion of the characteristics of a self-actualized individual. A self- evaluation of myself concludes the essay. While evaluating yourself is never an easy task, I thought extensively on how to bring myself to a self-actualized level. I would be honored to eventually achieved the self-actualized potential, as only less than 2 percent of our population have been recorded as so. Early Life Abraham Maslow was the first-born child of Samuel and Rose Maslow. He was born on April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. His parents were destitute, uneducated immigrants from Russia. Strongly religious, they strictly adhered to the Judaism denomination. Maslow was raised the sole Jewish boy in a non-Jewish neighborhood. Due to this, he grew up lonely and found contentment in books. Maslow once said â€Å"I was a little Jewish boy in a non-Jewish neighborhood. It was a little like being the first Negro enrolled in an all-white school. I was isolated and unhappy. I grew up in libraries and among books, without friends† (Hall, 1968, p. 37) The home-life of Abraham Maslow was filled with troubled times, as well. The relationship between Maslow and his father was hostile. Being uneducated himself, Samuel Maslow forced his son to be versed in areas that were of no interest to Abraham. According to Maslow’s own recollection, his father loved whiskey, women, fighting, and regarded his son as ugly and stupid (Emrich, n. d. ). Samuel frequently humiliated his son in public, causing Maslow to think of himself as disgusting. This left marks on his self-confidence. If riding the subway, he would look for an empty car, so that no one would have to see how atrocious he was. Maslow intensely despised his mother, Rose. He felt that his mother was insensitive and unloving. Showing signs of affection or love was alien to her, especially to her own family. His disgust of his mother began when she decided to place a bolt-lock on the refrigerator. She only removed the lock when she was in a pleasant mood. Maslow had a love for animals. When he was a child, he found two deserted kittens and brought them home. One evening, Rose found young Abraham feeding the kittens milk in the basement of their home. She flew into a rage and crushed the kittens’ heads against the wall. This horrific event stuck with him for the rest of his life. As an adult, Maslow eventually reconciled with his father. In interviews, he actually spoke positively of him on a few occasions. Nevertheless, he never desired to make peace with his mother. Throughout his life, his hatred continued to grow and he even refused to go to her funeral. Through all the heartache, he managed to have a valuable relationship with his uncle that continued the full-length of his lifetime. On December 31, 1928, Abraham Maslow married his long-time love and first cousin Bertha Goodman. The couple conceived two daughters, Ann and Ellen. Maslow later stated that the moment that he married Bertha, his life changed forever. He regarded this as the â€Å"true beginning of his life† and they remained happily married until his death (Emrich, n. d. ). Education In 1922, Maslow attended the Boys High School in Brooklyn (Hoffman, 1988). In high school, his love for Social Science and Philosophy began to emerge. At the early age of 17, Maslow enrolled at the City College of New York (CCNY). He majored in science, focusing on a future career in humanities. While at CCNY, Maslow excelled in English and Social Sciences. Trigonometry was not his strong suit, causing him to be on academic probation in his second semester (Patel, 2012). In 1926, Maslow’s father pushed him to enroll at the Brooklyn Law School (BLS) to begin law studies. Abraham endured nightly law classes, while still attending day classes at CCNY. After two months, he dropped out, realizing that law was of no interest to him. In 1927, Maslow left CCNY for Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Due to cheaper tuition, he applied to the College of Agriculture at Cornell. He majored once again in social sciences to fulfill his dream. Maslow was disheartened by an Introductory Psychology course that he took, instructed by Edward B. Titchner (Emrich, n. d. ). He found Titchner’s teaching in of Structuralism and his theory of â€Å"Scientific Introspection† dull. At the end of the semester, Maslow left Cornell to return to New York and attend CCNY once again. In 1927, Maslow was again studying Humanities and Social Sciences at CCNY. In 1928, Abraham transferred to the University of Wisconsin after hearing of its exceptional professors. In 1930, he finally was awarded his Bachelor’s Degree and in 1931 he completed his Master’s. After having a hard time finding employment as a professor, he accepted the position of a Psychology Teachers Assistant at his Alma Mater. While assisting in psychology classes, famed experimental psychologist Harry Harlow took notice of him. Maslow soon became Harlow’s research assistant and first doctoral student. Harlow and Maslow studied the social behavior and learning potential of primates. Influenced by his work with Harlow, Abraham instituted a study of investigating food in preferences in animals (Patel, 2012). He examined pigeons, dogs and monkeys throughout his studies and found that the higher the animal is on the phyletic scale, the more fluctuating the animal’s food preference will be. Maslow published a paper of his theory called â€Å"Appetites and Hunger in Animal Motivation† in 1935 (Patel, 2012) His paper displayed the dissimilarity between hunger and appetite, and showed that behavior cannot be understood as motivated by the gratification of survival needs (Hoffman, 1988). For his doctoral degree, Maslow continued his research of primates; focusing on their dominant behavior. Throughout his studies, he found that the higher the monkey was on the primate scale, the less brutality in dominance. The results of his studies lead him to go beyond his original dominance theory and recognize that something else stimulates behavior, particularly in higher levels of human nature (Wilson, 1972). After achieving his PhD in 1934, Maslow accepted a fellowship at Columbia University. Working alongside the prominent Dr. Edward L. Thorndike, he extended his research to dominance in humans. While they were actively working together, Thorndike administered an IQ test on Maslow. Much to their surprise, he responded with a result of 195. Although Maslow originally was inspired by the work that he did with Thorndike, he eventually became uninterested. Maslow was compelled to research human sexuality, which Thorndike stood behind. Between 1937 and 1942, Maslow published numerous articles based on female sexuality (Emrich, n. d. ). Throughout his studies, he found that dominant women are more likely to be extroverted. Although that may be true, he found that those women were allured to highly-dominant men, who were aggressive and vain. Vice versa, women who are less-dominant, tend to interested in men who are kind in nature. In 1937, Maslow accepted employment as a psychology professor located at Brooklyn College. For the next 14 years, he would teach at BC and continue his human sexuality studies. In 1951, was afforded the opportunity to become Chairman of the Psychology Department at Brandeis University. Soon after accepting the position, he began to question the way the psychologists came to conclusions. He had his own ideas on how to understand the human mind. He would eventually call his theory â€Å"Humanistic Psychology†. He published many documents in his later life, including the notable works â€Å"Motivation and Personality†, â€Å"Toward a Psychology of Being†, and â€Å"The Further Reaches of Human Nature†. In July 1966, Maslow was elected president of the American Psychological Association. Due to his failing health, he retired from teaching and accepted a fellowship at the Student Affairs Graduate Association. On July 8, 1970, Abraham Maslow passed away at the age of 62 after suffering a heart attack. He left behind prominent theories that are still referenced today. These theories include Maslow’s Hierarchy of Self Needs, Maligned Human Nature, Self-Actualization, and the Theory of Human Motivation. Hierarchy of Self Needs In his 1943 paper â€Å"A Theory of Human Motivation†, Abraham Maslow first introduced his concept of Hierarchy of Needs. He stated that a person must full their most basic needs in a natural hierarchy while advancing to a higher, self-actualization. His theory is most often displayed in pyramid form. The original five stages of Maslow’s Hierarchy are divided into basic or so-called deficient needs and growth needs. The lowest levels of the pyramid consist of a person’s deficient needs, eventually advancing to the more complex, growth needs at the top. Once these needs have been fulfilled, one may work on his or her) rise to self-actualization. The first level to be satisfied is a person’s â€Å"Psychological† needs. These include one’s necessity for oxygen, water, food and sleep (Cherry, n. d. ). Maslow believed that â€Å"Psychological† needs consisted of your most basic, considering that a person could not live without these attributes. Once a person’s psychological needs have been achieved, the level of â€Å"Safety and Security† comes into play. These are the needs for structure, order, security and predictability. Once the individual has a sense of being secure, safety needs have sufficiently been met. Maslow’ considered the third level of needs to be less of a priority than psychological and security needs (Cherry, n. d. ). The stage known as â€Å"Love and Belonging† corresponds to the need that drives an individual to seek relationships with others. This is based on affection towards friends, family, children, and an all-around sense of community. Satisfaction of â€Å"Belongingness† then triggers the rise of â€Å"Esteem† needs. Maslow proposed two levels of esteem needs, these being know as lower and higher stages. The lower stage pertains to the need for status, fame, recognition, attention, respect of others, appreciation, and even dominance (Boeree, 1998). The higher form relates to the needs for self-respect. This includes feelings of confidence, achievement, independence, and freedom. The lower stage is easier to lose, based on the fact of the characteristics relying on the respect of others. Self-Actualization â€Å"What a man can be, he must be. This need we call Self-Actualization. † –Abraham Maslow The highest level of â€Å"Self-Actualization† needs presents itself once all â€Å"basic† needs have been satisfied. This need is fundamentally different from the former levels in the aspect of prior needs are driven by â€Å"deficiency† (Heylighen, 1992, Pg. 41). According to Maslow, Self-Actualization pertains to â€Å"Ultimate Psychological Health† that is continually developing. This stage is also known as â€Å"Growth† needs, due to the fact that once self-actualization is reached, it cannot be lessened, only made to grow. Maslow biographically analyzed several historical and public figures in his conceptualization of the Self-Actualization theory. Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Thomas Jefferson and Eleanor Roosevelt were included in a group of individuals that Maslow believed met the standard of Self-Actualization. In his research, he examined their biographies, their acts and personally interviewed a few contemporaries. From these sources, he developed a list of common qualities that these people possessed. 1. Openness to Experience- They are eager to learn new ideas and skills, open to engage in new experiences, and try new things. 2. Accurate Perception of Reality- They tend to be truthful and are able to differentiate between genuine and dishonest. 3. Freshness of Appreciation- They are open to spontaneous feelings of awe and wonder and are more prone to peak experiences. 3. Spontaneity- They are natural, open-minded and not worried about what other people may think. 4. Creativity- They exhibit a playful attitude towards problem solving and self-expression. 5. General Attitude of Acceptance- They are not deterred by events that they cannot change, only what is, might be or ought to be. 6. Stability- They have little difficulty making decisions and know how to distinguish between good and bad. 7. Autonomy- They do not need other people, make decisions for themselves, prefer solitude, and have a need for privacy. 8. Empathy- They possess an affinity towards humanity as a whole. They are friendly to everyone that they meet, especially children. 9. Sincerity, Self-Disclosure and Intimacy- They have close personal friends, family and lovers and tend to drop all defenses. Maslow once stated â€Å"There are no perfect human beings† (McLeod, 2007). Studies have found that less than two percent of the population actually achieves self-actualization. To be self-actualized, a person did not need to display all of Maslow’s stated characteristics, yet merely achieve one’s potential.